I was going to stay for one night in a Rajasthan village which is just some 2Hrs away from Delhi. It had been long time since i had been to any village or can say Countryside which is the most common word now a days used for our villages by Tourist's coming to India.
Its is a very common saying that if you want to see India then see villages of India it is where the actual India presides , i was believing on this line and was going to stay one night there.
Shanoli Village near to Alwar which is famous now a days for two reasons one being it is now developing as Industrial town and second being the very famous Neemrana fort resort. But i was going to stay in a normal house of a relatives of my Driver, who had invited me for a stopover.
I was not aware that i would be meeting such a courageous and hard working person who would stun me in every word of her.
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We reached her place in the afternoon , she had prepared for lunch and before that she filled her tanks so that we could bath and get rid of our day long journey's tiredness.
All the arrangements were upto mark , electricity doesnt become a spoil sport she had filled her generator which she uses very rarely, it was ready for us. One special room in her two bedroom house was made ready for us.
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If we want to sit outside, we dont feel the heat of Rajasthan this innovation which made me hats off to the lady was arranged , but thanks to pleasent weather of Rajasthan it was not needed.
A lady who is the whole sole of her family had arranged this for us , i was overwhelmed.
She is having a family of 5 persons , husband wife and three kids. Eldest of son is studying presently in a college doing Bachelors in Science , second one is in school and Daughter has done some course in saloon.
When talking to her i was amazed to hear her time table or can say the life chart which was just work , work and work and it was hard to find any time for rest. Her husband has started working in some bus as a helper and she do a lot of things.
She looks after her farm land , her buffaloes , in the afternoon she teaches sewing to some two three girls from which she earns some Rs 800. Every day work which come in a daily chores of life are also their.
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Entering of stray animals in the farmland is a very common thing worldwide and same is here , for this she sleeps in night in her farmland only. For every person atleast a 8hr good sleep is must but after knowing her schedule i was curious to hear when i would hear that she would say from this time to this time i sleep , though she sleeps in farm but as she says i have be almost awake to make animals run away from my farm.
In the night she had different plans for us.
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It was somewhere around 15 yrs since i had not eaten these wood fired Chapati on chullah ( earthen stove) , but i still remember the taste. I was over joyed when she told me that i would be cooking these for you today , though they have gas stoves also but for me they had arranged this.
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Some different type of sauce was made for me , dont know much of ingredients but curd, red chilli and salt was there and one more thing was added but i was unaware of that thing , never had heard of it, but when it was served it was something which i was tasting for first time and i was loving it and want to have it again.
It was quite late at night now and we left for sleep, long drive tiredness had started showing its signs now.
surprises by the lady was not over , next morning my first sight was again something which made me feel something special about that lady. Early morning 7 AM and she is back to work.
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I also tried my hand on it , but trust me it is not that easy. Rolling it over and over again was possible but keep on rolling and finishing the task was something which i found difficult for myself.
Obviously there are some cons of metro life as well.
We moved from there giving our warm wishes to Mrs. Sharmila and her family.
According to latest news, the room in which we stayed she has opened a small shop now and she had bought some equipments and beauty products for her daughter who has started working as a beautician in her village and helps in earning some money for her family.
This is what the life of a village lady is in India.
I absolutely and wholeheartedly support your views here. I have been to some remote places or the countrysides as quoted by you. One common aspect everywhere was the hard work and dedication of women, They do everything; cooking, farming, cleaning and what not. And what do men do ? Sit outside the homes and play cards while happily smoking a huqqah.