At 10 am we left from our hotel. Trip was not like rohtang pass trip, Gurudwara is located way down than the place we were staying. So all the time it was going to be downward journey almost.
But something else was destined to happen , Like my Paragliding was not scheduled so was this. After some 30min Drive our driver stopped the car on the banks of river Byas. River Rafting was the next thing to be added in bucket list though i had never thought of it in Manali.
Head gears and equipments were standing , like they were waiting for me only. It was drizzling and to do Rafting in this condition was quite a daring thing. It has been raining in Manali from last 3 days , fresh snow had fallen. I wanted to do it and at same time was scared. It was not because of the heavy flow of water or rain or the big giant ripples of the water. It was just a thought of that CHILLED WATER which was coming right from the mountains and was much freezing than the previous days.
But i had decided to do it. I paid Rs 2000 for a couple and Rs 100 extra per person for the water proof clothes. Head gear and jacket was included in the price. Me and my wife were going alone in a boat with the trainer. Though more people could be added but we were short of time and had to leave for Manikaran.
Trainer was sitting on the chair in the end of the boat. He told us to hold the ropes going from the side and middle of the boat. I was still scared of the freezing cold water. And the journey started. I had opted for a 7 Km ride.
Atleast i was lucky enough in one thing. Trainer and other staff had already told us that you wont be thrown or allowed to jump in the water like it is done in Rishikesh which is also considered as best of places for River rafting. One big reason for this were big stones present in the river. My simple line to them "Boss, Neither i want to do it so dont worry " .
That day i realised how to kill your fear. Transfer your attention and help somebody to kill his fear. And here that somebody was my wife. She was also scared of the whole adventure.
In the whole trip i kept on guiding her. Bend yourself a forward for a little bit , it will help you when ripple would come and you wont fall in water. Whenever the high tides coming one word was coming loud "Bend". I was also doing the same and saving myself also.
We had saved ourself from falling into water. But water was in different mood. That high tides had taken the vengeance and they have entered in my clothes from wherever possible.
Though its a natural phenomenon, freezing water is felt for only once after that it numbs the part it touches and that cooling sensation is dead. Same happened with us. 1st km of our 7 km had done its job and now we could enjoy to fullest.
After 7 Km we stopped and we had lived the 2nd best moment of our trip. Driver was waiting for us there.
Time to move to onward journey "Manikaran Gurudwara"
First thing done, Facebook status updated #Bucketlist #Rafting #AddedandUnchecked
Want to to do it again.
Good article Tarun.. I can connect very well with your feeling of first time river rafting. You are reluctant to do it for the first time, however once you have done it, the heart asks for more. It's almost like your first Bicycle ride or your first Car drive.